Genomic Data Security
Under the leadership of Scott Ross and Phillip Whitlow, of HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology, and Sterling Sawaya, of GeneInfoSec Inc., the Genomic Data Security Working Group at BIO-ISAC published two reports on the future of genomic data security.
Genomic Data Integrity
Ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and security of genomic data is essential to make informed decisions based on that data in many areas, from agriculture science to personalized medicine. Our ability to generate and use genomic data has become more available and swiftly shareable, while our computational analyses advance.​ In May 2024, BIO-ISAC convened a select group of 20 individuals in genomic science, cybersecurity, and academic research, as well as six United States Government agencies and law enforcement to craft a data collection and use standard that addresses genomic data integrity.
Genetic Data Categorization
As we work to secure the genetic data infrastructure, we must be aware of the types of genetic data that will be generated and stored and consider the risks associated with the data, now and in the future. Laboratory cybersecurity is notoriously difficult, and in some instances extreme security measures are required to protect against persistent and talented adversaries. Data categorization is the first step in inventorying and understanding assets during security risk assessments and is crucial in determining the appropriate levels of security needed to handle various types of genetic data.
Genomic Data Security
Scott Ross, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
Phillip Whitlow, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
Sterling Sawaya, GeneInfoSec Inc.
Convene industry to discuss pragmatic
techniques to improve genomic security in practice
Coordinate with NIST NCCoE efforts & assist them in developing practicable standards that improve security
Develop & share failure use-cases
Engage key vendors to update & publish best operational practices